Cozy Day
Today is one of those days that I just want to be in my house and hide away from the world. I don't want the phone to ring. I don't want friends dropping by to just say Hi. These are the days I just want to putter. I have lit every candle in the house. The dryer is gently humming as it dries a load of laundry. The rug is freshly vacuumed and all the furniture is dusted. The beds are made and pillows fluffed. I have a roast ready to put in the oven. The dining room floor is next on my to do list along with several more loads of laundry.
Dean has been my little helper today. He picked up the toys in his and brubber's room so I could vacuum. As I was vacuuming he was keeping me safe by fighting off monsters that were invading the room. While I was doing laundry, Dean cleaned the sliding glass doors for me. He did an excellent job except for the fact he used my resolve carpet cleaner instead of window cleaner. So in between loads of laundry he and I will re-do the windows.
In a few more hours I'll venture out to go get Steven from the bus and shortly after that Hubster will be home from work. My cozy atmosphere will be transformed to activity and noise. The freshly vacuumed rug will have fir needles and little cars strewn once more. Dirty work clothes and school clothes will be thrown into the hamper filling it again.Dinner will be eaten and dirty dishes will fill my sink. Homework will be done at the kitchen table. Baths will be given and teeth will be brushed. Bedtime will come along with pouts and pleas of one more cartoon. Hubster and I will talk of our day before he must turn in for the night. I'll put another load of laundry in and quietly put clean clothes away. I'll relight some of my candles and settle in front of the pc to catch up on some of the journals I read. With my last surge of energy for the day I'll straighten up the livingroom with just the light from the candles and firelight. I love this time of night. I've always been a night owl since I can remember. I think its because I know that no one will be calling or needing something of me. Its my time. My time to do as I wish. But eventually I'll blow out the candles and quietly check on the boys one more time. I'll crawl into bed beside Hubster and my perfect day will end.
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